Onzane App Changelog

Here you can see our changelog or record of the changes that we are incorporating into our application, both in the control panel and in the mobile app. In this way we leave a trace of the work carried out and the new features that are being incorporated into the Onzane App.

Various improvements

24 September 2024


My Vehicles

This feature has been redeveloped to allow residents to update the number plates of vehicles in spaces associated with the property. More than one vehicle can now be added to each parking space, and the maximum number of vehicles per space can be configured at the Community level.

Changes in Settings

The Settings section has been moved as a main option of the Community, and now for each module there will be a tab to define its settings. A Documents tab has been added where you can indicate an external URL to replace the Onzane document repository with an online repository, such as Google Drive or Microsoft Sharepoint. Another setting option has been added to indicate whether you want to send welcome emails to neighbors with a copy in English, useful when there are many neighbors of different nationalities in the Community. Finally, a setting option has been added in the Incidents tab to indicate an email address different from that of the users to notify them every time a new incident is created.

Filter in the list of incidents in the app

A status filter has been added to the Incidents section of the app. Residents and employees can now search for incidents in the list by their status.

Improvements in property configuration

08 August 2024


Properties associated with other properties

We have added an option to associate certain properties with other properties. Specifically, we can now associate Parking or Storage Room type properties with other Dwelling type properties. Normally this is done when both properties belong to the same owner, as is usually the case with parking lots and storage rooms, which are usually associated with a dwelling. In this way we can achieve two effects: a) that the properties with their associated properties are shown in the property list, quickly identifying which ones they are and b) that neighbours in the app can access the control of these associated properties without having to change between properties. That is, in the case of Associated Parking lots, the neighbour can manage them without changing ownership in the app, but using the Settings->My Vehicles option.

Property groups

A new option has been added to the properties that we have called Group. It is a free data that can be filled with information that allows grouping the properties by some concept. For example, in the parking type properties we could use this group to indicate the parking spaces that are for motorcycles or cars. In the case of homes, in a community we could group the homes that have 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms. This Group data can be used in different modules of the application to do certain things. Soon we will be able to use it to define the reservation limits of the common areas based on it. We could also use it in Communications to define it as the objective of their sending.
New feature

API Token

A feature has been created in the Security section of the My User option to request a token to connect to the Onzane API. Each panel user can request a specific token for themselves, which will allow them to securely connect to our API and interact with Onzane in various ways, such as synchronizing information with other applications or generating interactions with neighbors in an automated manner.

Small improvements that are big benefits

14 June 2024

Control panel

Updating the wallet from the control panel

We have created a new configuration option in the Payments tab, which allows you to activate the possibility that control panel users can update the properties wallet. At the time of creating a property, a balance can be indicated in the wallet. You can also modify said balance of the property by editing it as before, where a new option will appear to update said balance. All wallet movements made by users of the control panel will be added to the list of movements thereof, so that there is a record of said balance changes even if they have been made from the control panel.

Access control by location

It is now possible to activate or deactivate access control by location. This mode allows you to give access permissions to a neighbor taking into account their location. If activated, a neighbor will not be able to leave a facility if they have not previously entered it, and vice versa. Therefore, for those physical keys that are defined for neighbors, their use will be restricted to a single entry-exit process, without the possibility of allowing multiple entries with the same key. In order to use this restriction mode, it will be necessary for each access to have entry and exit devices that control the flow in both directions in said access, thus being able to control the location of the neighbors for each key.
New feature

New incident report

It is now possible to generate a broader and more complete incident report than a mere list. This report only allows its preparation in PDF format and includes for each sheet of the report all the information on the incident, including its history and evolution.

More types of installations

We have added 16 new installation types. Now it is possible to choose between 53 different types of installations, with their corresponding icons, which allow you to see more clearly which installation it is.

Access keys

29 May 2024

New feature

Digital keys for neighbors

It is now possible to create and manage digital keys that can be used by neighbors to activate the different access systems that exist in the Community. In the control panel the administrator can create and delete keys, and can also indicate their validity dates. In the app, neighbors can use these keys to perform the following actions depending on the type of device: open, close, enter, exit, turn on or off. To do this, buttons will appear in those facilities that are access control type and those that have active digital keys.
New feature

Physical keys

It is possible to define physical keys that can be used in the Community's access systems. By physical keys we understand any system that is physical and uses radio frequency connections or similar, for example proximity keys, identification cards, key fobs for children, etc. These keys are not assigned to any neighbor, but are assigned to the property, and can be used by any of the neighbors who are in turn assigned to it. From the control panel, the administrator can create as many keys as you need for each property, identifying them using a unique code. These keys can be used in different accesses, such as turnstiles, doors and locks that allow it. Neighbors will not have to use the app to use these keys, as they are autonomous and are normally activated when approaching the installed access devices.

Version 1.3.0: Neighbor Groups

30 April 2024

New feature

Neighborhood groups

You can now define neighbor groups made up of neighbors that are selected and defined with certain characteristics (documents and forum are currently available). In this way it is possible to create a private group in which its members can access different functions according to their characteristics, such as a document repository and forum, in a restricted manner. This function is useful, for example, to create a group for the governing board or the works commission of a Community, in which its members can access documentation and can discuss internal aspects privately among themselves.
New feature

Refund process of the wallet balance

This new procedure allows residents to request the Community to reimburse the balance they have available on their property, through an offline method such as transfer. Once the balance of the property is resolved, it is reset to zero and the movement of money is reflected as just another transaction.
Control panel

Package pickups from the panel

It is now possible to use the control panel to pick up and deliver packages that arrive at the Community concierge. In this way, neighbors can be notified of its arrival and future collection.

Reservation permit by date

It is now possible to define booking permission by date, so a property's booking capacity can be temporarily removed for certain days.

Exemption period in facilities

It is now possible to define an exemption period on premises, so that reservation limits do not apply during this period prior to each time slot. Thus, if 60 minutes are defined as the exemption period, 1 hour before a reservation slot, the maximum reservation limits per day or maximum total reservation that are normally established will not be taken into account.

Vehicles, coefficients and suppliers

21 March 2024

New feature

Vehicle management

The vehicles associated with a property can now be defined. From the control panel you can define the parking spaces that belong to each property, you can even indicate the license plates of the vehicles on said property. From the app, neighbors, if previously enabled, will be able to update the license plates of the vehicles in their parking spaces. This functionality allows the information on vehicle license plates to be synchronized with security systems at the entrances to community garages through cameras that detect license plates, automating this task and allowing the neighbors themselves to carry out this management autonomously.

Property coefficients

Now, for each property, its membership coefficient to the Community can be indicated. It is a preliminary step to soon be able to create a voting system that takes these coefficients into account and can establish the results of said votes.

More information on suppliers

We have added new data that can be used in the supplier files of each Community. Thus, in addition to basic data, contract, payment, contact and comment data can now be included.

Bail bonds and better log

12 March 2024

New feature

Bonds in facilities

Deposits can now be defined in the facilities that will be charged in the case of reservation. These deposits can be returned later through the control panel once the correct use and conservation of the installation has been verified.

States in the log

The log allows you to define entries with a status: pending, in progress, completed. In this way it is possible to define tasks in the log entries and monitor them. In the app, employees see these statuses as entry colors, which they can edit.

Suppliers and log

20 February 2024

New feature

Define or create new suppliers

The suppliers of the Communities can be defined among those that already exist in Onzane globally. Or if they do not exist, new suppliers can be created by adding their data.
New feature

Assign incidents to suppliers

Once the suppliers of a Community have been defined, incidents can be assigned to them so that they will be notified about them using the integration means that exists for said supplier. By default all suppliers will be notified by email, but notifications integrated with their own incident management systems can be used.
New feature

Concierge log

Employees with the assigned functionality can make entries in the concierge log. This system allows monitoring as a control diary for janitors and doormen. In this log, all the actions that are carried out on their part are noted, as well as any type of incident or anomalous situation that occurs in the Community. This registry also allows controlling different logs for different groups of the community, useful for Communities where there are different concierges.

Incident assignment

29 January 2024


Assign incidents to users or employees

Issues can now be assigned to users (people who use the dashboard) or employees (people who work in the Community). In this way it is possible to assign incidents to the Community's maintenance employees, who will receive notifications on their mobile phones, and will also be able to see the list of incidents that have been assigned to them, and that are not resolved at the start of the app.
New feature

List of packages in control panel

Dashboard users can view packages received and delivered by employees. All information about the packages is included, with delivery and collection dates and times, the person who collected it and a photo of the packages.

Send communications to a property set

Since Community properties can be organized by sets, it is now possible to send communications only to a specific set or to all properties, as you have now. You simply have to select the set when creating the statement, and it will only be sent to the properties that belong to said set. In addition, the option to send communications without notifying neighbors has been added. It is not common to require this operation, but from now on it is possible to do so by disabling the 'Notify neighbors' option when creating the statement.

Improved packaging and properties

16 January 2024


Assign packets to neighbors functionality

It is now possible to assign received packages to a neighbor of the property, so that only he or she is notified of their arrival and collection. If the neighbor is not selected, everyone on the property is notified.

Property Subset

It is possible to define the joint data in the Community properties. The set can be the building, block, tower, etc. in the divisions of the commonwealths. In this way, properties that have a defined set will have the set as their name along with its name. Thus it is possible to define subsets of properties depending on their set, which can later be used to send communications, establish events or any other possibility.

Payment transaction functionality

28 November 2023

New feature

Payment transactions

From the control panel you can view the payment transactions made by the neighbors, both payments, returns and refills of their wallets. Reports can also be generated for use in accounting.

Incident classification

It is now possible to classify incidents in three independent ways: their visibility, their type and their category. The types and categories have been defined and can be defined from the control panel. For now the utility is for statistics, but it will be improved with the future supplier management system, so that incident management can be automated.

Edit incident functionality

09 November 2023

New feature

Edit incident functionality for employees

Community employees have the edit incident functionality at their disposal, with which they can conveniently update them, changing their status and adding information and documents to their different status phases. Thus, for example, maintenance employees can be directly responsible for resolving incidents that affect them using the app in the field.

Fixed small bugs

Thanks to our clients' reports, we have solved small errors in the user interface of the app and the control panel, in the procedures, reservations and surveys areas.

Electronic access

06 October 2023

New feature

Setting up electronic access with Watchman Door

It is now possible to configure the smart locks from the manufacturer Watchman Door, with which we integrate to be able to open and close Community facilities. For example, we can open the garage door from the app, or open the door to the Meeting Room if we have a prior reservation for it.

Communications with rich text format

To create the text of the communications that are sent to neighbors, a rich text editor can be used, which ensures that it is displayed correctly in the app and that email notifications are sent in Html format.
New feature

New notices on the home screen

Notices are displayed on the app's Home screen in case we have unread communications or messages. Thus, in addition to the push notification received, these notices continue to be displayed when entering the app. In the lists of communications and messages, those that are unread are marked with a different color.

Improved reserves

29 September 2023


Definition of cancellation period

It is possible to define the cancellation minutes for reservations, so that they cannot be canceled before said minutes and the reservation is considered consumed, even if it had an associated cost.
New feature

New functionality to make reservations for employees

Community employees can make reservations on behalf of neighbors, for example when they do not have the app installed or when they are older or inexperienced and do not want to use it. This way they can continue using the in-person booking method.
Control panel

Last accesses

Control panel users can see the last accesses to it. A way to improve your security.

Customized functionalities and procedures

18 September 2023


Definition of procedures

It is possible to define the procedures that neighbors can request through the app. It is also possible to add personalized procedures for any need of the Community.

Definition of functionalities

Employee roles can now be defined for the Community and custom roles can be added tailored to each Community to automate any Community process.

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