The app to manage all your Homeowner Communities

Manage them centrally from anywhere

Try 1 month free

No payment information. No commitments.

With the trust of the best Property Administrations

Grupo Olivares
López Colmenarejo
Gestoría Bravo
Administraciones Lorca
K7 Mojácar
G3 Fincas
Zafrilla Abogados
Grupo Andaluza
JJMAS administradores
Leonís administración de fincas

If you are a Community of neighbors, we have the most flexible app.

These are our plans for Property Administrations

Simple prices. No additional charges.


Annual Save 2 months!


Up to 5 Communities

50 /Month

It costs 10 by Community/Month

500 /Year

It costs 100 by Community/Year

Unlimited neighbors and properties

  • All features

Help by email and phone



Up to 15 Communities

135 /Month

It costs 9 by Community/Month

1.350 /Year

It costs 90 by Community/Year

Unlimited neighbors and properties

  • All features

Help by email and phone


Up to 45 Communities

315 /Month

It costs 7 by Community/Month

3.150 /Year

It costs 70 by Community/Year

Unlimited neighbors and properties

  • All features

Help by email and phone

The indicated prices do not include VAT

Request a personalized quote for your Administration

We can offer you a special price according to your case

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