Privacy policy

Last update: May 29, 2024

Privacy policy for Onzane websites and app

Onzane SL, with address at Calle Trece Rosas, 3, 2C - 41940 Tomares (Seville, Spain) and with NIF B56685696, hereinafter "Onzane", is committed to protecting the online privacy of users of the websites of the domain and the Onzane app (“Sites”).

As such, this document (“Privacy Policy”) has been drafted in order for you to better understand how your Personal Data will be managed, defined below, when you use the Sites. This Privacy Policy will also provide you with information so that you can give your explicit and informed consent to the processing of your personal data, where applicable.

Generally, any information or data that you provide to Onzane through the Sites, or that is otherwise collected through the Sites, while using Onzane's services ("Services") — as better described below—will be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently by Onzane. To this end, Onzane takes into account the internationally recognized principles that govern the processing of personal data, such as limitation of purpose and limitation of storage or minimization, quality and confidentiality of data.

1. Data controller

Onzane, as identified at the top of this Privacy Policy, is the controller of Personal Data processed through the Sites. You can contact Onzane's Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the following address:

2. Personal data that is processed

When you use the Sites, you may provide us or we may collect some of your Personal Data, such as your name, an online identifier or one or more elements representative of your physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity, which can be used to identify you. or make it possible to identify them, by themselves or together with other information that has been collected ("Personal Data").

Onzane may collect your Personal Data both when you choose to provide it (for example, when you request information from Onzane through the "Contact" section of the Sites, when you subscribe to the newsletter or when you request the Services) and when analyzing the use what makes the Sites.

The Personal Data that could be processed through the Sites are the following:

a. Name, contact information and other personal information

In various sections of the Sites, and specifically when you order the Services or when you request information related to the Onzane Services, you will be asked to submit information about yourself, such as your email address. In addition, whenever you contact Onzane using the contact information provided on the Sites, Onzane may collect additional information that you choose to provide.

b. Special categories of personal data

Certain areas of the Sites (such as the Contact form) may include free text fields where you may provide Onzane with information that may contain Personal Data.

When these are completely free fields, you could use them to disclose (consciously or unconsciously) more sensitive categories of personal data, such as data that reveal your racial or ethnic origin, your political opinions, your religious or philosophical beliefs, or their union membership. The content you provide through these fields may also include -whether you are aware of it or not- other types of sensitive information related to you, such as genetic data, biometric data or data related to your health, sex life or sexual orientation.

Onzane urges you not to disclose this type of Personal Data, unless you consider it absolutely necessary. Please note that, as required by applicable law, sensitive categories of Personal Data can only be processed with your explicit consent. Onzane emphasizes the importance of you expressing your explicit consent to process this type of Personal Data, if you decide to share it.

c. Data that the interested party provides voluntarily

As mentioned in the previous section, certain areas of the Sites allow you to post different types of content to which Onzane will have access and which may include Personal Data relating to other people.

Whenever you decide to share Personal Data relating to other people, you will be considered an independent data controller in relation to that Personal Data and you will assume all inherent legal obligations and responsibilities. This implies, among other things, that you must indemnify Onzane, as and to the extent necessary, against complaints, claims or demands for compensation for damages that may arise from the processing of said Personal Data and that may be presented by those persons whose information has been you provided through the Sites.

In any case, if you provide or process Personal Data of a third party when using the Sites, from this moment you guarantee that this processing hypothesis is based on the consent of the third party in question or that you have another legal basis that legitimizes the processing of the Data. Third party personnel. Likewise, you assume all responsibility associated with such actions.

d. Navigation and usage data

The operation of the Sites, as is the norm for any website or internet app, involves the use of computer systems and software procedures that collect information about the users of the websites and apps as part of their normal operation. Although Onzane does not collect this information to link it to specific users, it is possible to identify those users either directly, through such information, or through the use of other information collected. As such, this information should also be considered Personal Data.

This information includes various parameters related to your operating system and your computing environment, including your IP address, your location (country), your computer's domain names, uniform resource requested identifiers ("URIs"). ) on the Sites, the time of the requests made, the method used to send requests to the server, the dimensions of the file obtained in response to a request, the numerical code indicating the status of the response sent by the server ("successfully », «error», etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the user's technological environment.

This data is used to compile statistical information about the use of the Sites, as well as to ensure their proper functioning and to identify any failures or abuse that occurs on the Sites. Except for this last purpose, this data will not be kept for more than seven days.

e. Cookies

Definitions, characteristics and application of legislation

Cookies are small text files that websites you visit can send and save on your computer and then be sent back to those same sites when you visit them again. By using these cookies, sites can "remember" your actions and preferences - such as your login details, language choice, font size, other display settings, etc. - so you don't have to provide this data again when you return to the site or when you browse its different pages.

Cookies are used for electronic authentication, session tracking and storing information about your activities while using a website. They may also contain a unique identification code that allows tracking, for statistical or advertising purposes, your browsing activities within a website. While browsing a site, you may also receive cookies from other sites or web servers ("third party cookies").

Certain operations within a website may not be possible without using cookies, as in some cases they are technically necessary for the website to function.

There are several types of cookies and each of them has different characteristics and functions. Additionally, the time they remain on your computer may vary. “Session cookies”, for example, are automatically deleted when you close the browser; however, “persistent cookies” remain on your device for a predetermined period of time.

Depending on applicable law, your consent may not always be required to use cookies on a website. Specifically, "technical cookies" do not, as a general rule, require this consent. We are talking about cookies that are used solely to send messages over an electronic communications network or that are necessary to provide the services you request. To put it another way, these cookies are essential for the operation of the site or necessary to carry out the activities that the user requests.

On the other hand, for "profiling cookies", such as those intended for the creation of user profiles and used to send advertising messages that adjust to the preferences expressed by users while browsing the Internet, it is usually required. the user's consent, although this may vary depending on current legislation.

Types of cookies used by the Sites and the possibility of selecting or deselecting them

The Onzane Sites use the following types of cookies (which does not include third-party cookies, whose selection or deselection you must consult in the relevant links):

Browsing or session cookies: necessary for the operation of the Websites or to allow the use of the contents and Services of the Sites.

Functionality Cookies: are used to activate specific functions of the Sites and to configure the Sites according to your preferences (for example, language), in order to improve your experience.

Onzane also uses "third party cookies", that is, cookies from websites/web servers owned by third parties and other than the Onzane Sites. These third parties, listed below along with links to the relevant privacy policies, will act as independent controllers of the data collected through the cookies they send (and will use the data they collect for their own purposes and in accordance with their own terms) or as data processors for Onzane (i.e., they will process Personal Data on behalf of Onzane).

Cookies present on the Sites

Below are the cookies present on the Onzane Sites:

Functional cookies

Owner Website Name Purpose Expiration
Onzane onzane_cookie_consent Allows you to remember cookie consent preferences 396 days onzane_session Used to identify the user's browsing session 2 hours XSRF_TOKEN Provides security against cross-site request forgery attempts 2 hours
Onzane onzane_session Used to identify the user's browsing session 2 hours XSRF_TOKEN Provides security against cross-site request forgery attempts 2 hours
Onzane onzane_session Used to identify the user's browsing session 2 hours XSRF_TOKEN Provides security against cross-site request forgery attempts 2 hours

Analytical cookies

Owner Website Name Purpose Expiration
Google Analytics

For more information about Google cookies, click here _ga Contains a unique identifier that Google Analytics uses to determine that two different accesses belong to the same user. 792 days _ga_HLVVXSFXFR Used by Google Analytics to collect information about how visitors use the website. 792 days _gid Used by Google Analytics to identify the user. 1 day _gat Used by Google Analytics to limit request rate. 1 minute

Cookie settings

Using your browser options you can block or delete all or some of the navigation and function cookies used on the Sites.

However, please note that if you do not consent to the use of technical cookies, you may not be able to use the Sites, view their content, or use associated services.

If you do not allow the use of functionality cookies this could cause some services or certain functions of the Sites to be unavailable or not function correctly and you may be forced to modify or manually enter certain information or certain preferences each time you visit the places.

How to view and modify cookies in the browser

Using your browser options you can block or delete all or some of the navigation and function cookies used on the Sites. Your cookie preferences will be reset if different browsers are used to access the Sites. Please see the following instructions for more information on how to configure your browser's cookie preferences:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Apple Safari

If you do not use any of these browsers, select "Cookies" in the corresponding section of the manual to find out where your cookies folder is.

NOTICE: If you block or delete the technical or functionality cookies used by the Sites, you may not be able to browse the Sites, certain services or functions of the Sites may no longer be available, or some type of error may occur. In such case, you may have to manually modify or enter certain personal information or preferences each time you visit the Sites.

3. Purpose of data processing

Onzane will use the Personal Data collected through the Sites for the following purposes:

  • Provide services such as: allowing you to create and maintain a registered user profile, verifying your identity and providing assistance in the event that you lose or forget your login details or password for any of the Services that require registration, responding to requests for information that you submit through the “Contact” section and provide any other Services that you may request (“Provision of Services”);
  • To comply with laws requiring Onzane to collect certain Personal Data or further process it (“Compliance”);
  • To prevent and detect any misuse of the Sites or any fraudulent activity that may be carried out through the Sites ("Misuse/Fraud").
4. Legal bases for data processing and mandatory or discretionary nature of processing

These are the legal bases according to which Onzane processes your Personal Data for the purposes detailed in the previous Section:

Provision of services: processing for these purposes is necessary to provide the Services and is therefore necessary for the performance of a contract with you or for the execution of pre-contractual measures. You are under no obligation to provide your Personal Data to Onzane for these purposes; however, if you do not do so, Onzane will not be able to provide you with any Services. The same applies to the newsletter service, once you have expressly requested this by providing your email address. You can revoke this consent at any time.

Compliance: processing for this purpose is necessary so that Onzane can comply with its legal obligations. When you provide your Personal Data to Onzane, Onzane must process it in accordance with applicable laws, which may include retaining your Personal Data or disclosing it to relevant authorities to comply with tax obligations, customs clearance or other matters. legal type.

Misuse/Fraud: the information collected for this purpose will be used solely and exclusively to prevent or identify any fraudulent activity or any misuse that occurs on the Sites, with the aim so that Onzane can defend himself in any judicial process.

5. Recipients of personal data

Your Personal Data may be shared with the following people/entities (“Recipients”):

Entities that usually act as Data Processors, that is: I) Persons, companies or professional firms that provide assistance or advice to Onzane in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial or credit recovery matters, all related to the Provision of services; II) Persons authorized to carry out technical maintenance work (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks);

Entities that play any role in providing the Services (for example, web hosting companies or email platform providers);

Persons authorized by Onzane to process the Personal Data necessary to carry out those activities strictly related to the provision of the Services. These persons must adhere to confidentiality agreements or be subject to relevant legal confidentiality obligations (for example, Onzane employees);

Other companies in our Business Group, for internal administrative purposes.

Entities, organizations or authorities to which your Personal Data could be provided, in accordance with current law or with the binding orders of said entities, organizations or authorities.

6. Transfers of personal data

Some of your Personal Data may be transferred to certain Recipients, both within our Business Group and externally, located in different countries.

Onzane guarantees that the processing of your Personal Data by these Recipients will be carried out in accordance with applicable law and that the necessary protection measures are applied to ensure the legality and security of such transfers of Personal Data. All of the above will be subject to adequacy decisions of the European Commission, standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission or other guarantees or conditions considered appropriate for the transfer in question.

7. Conservation of personal data

Onzane will retain Personal Data that has been processed for the Provision of the Services for the period considered strictly necessary to fulfill said purposes (for example, to respond to requests for information received through the "Contact" section). ). In any case, since this Personal Data is processed for the purpose of providing certain Services, Onzane may continue to store said Personal Data for a longer period of time, if this is necessary to protect the interests of Onzane related to possible liabilities that may arise. derive from the provision of the Services.

Personal Data processed for Compliance purposes will be retained for the specific period of time established by applicable law or applicable legal obligation.

Onzane will retain Personal Data that has been processed in order to prevent Misuse/Fraud for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. That is, until such time as Onzane no longer needs them either to protect itself from possible legal actions or to provide them to the competent authorities.

8. Rights of interested parties

As an interested party, you have the right to exercise the following rights at any time before Onzane:

Access the Personal Data relating to you that Onzane has processed (or a copy of that Personal Data), as well as information about the processing of your Personal Data;

Correct or update Personal Data relating to you that has been processed by Onzane, when it may contain inaccuracies or be incomplete;

Request the deletion of Personal Data relating to you that has been processed by Onzane;

Request restriction of processing of your Personal Data;

Exercise your right to portability: the right to obtain a copy in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format of those Personal Data that you have provided to Onzane;

Object to the processing of your Personal Data;

You may also revoke your consent to receive the Onzane newsletter to which you may have subscribed and which you may be receiving as a Service. To do so, click on the corresponding unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email message you receive.

In addition to the means already mentioned, you can always exercise the rights described above by sending a written request to Onzane at the following address:

In any case, know that, as an interested party, you have the right to file a claim in relation to the protection of Personal Data before the competent control authorities, if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data that is carried out through the Sites is illegal.

9. Modifications

This Privacy Policy is effective on the update date shown in the header. Onzane reserves the right to partially or totally modify this Privacy Policy, as well as to update its content, for example, as a result of possible changes in current law.

As soon as a change is made, it will be binding from the moment it is posted on the Sites. That is why Onzane recommends that you regularly review this Privacy Policy to familiarize yourself with the most recent and most updated version of the Privacy Policy, so that you can always be informed about how Onzane collects and uses Personal Data.

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