Here you can see our changelog or record of the changes that we are incorporating into our application. Discover the latest updates to the app!
07 March 2025
New feature
Show real estate offer We have created a new real estate module aimed at those property management companies that also include real estate brokerage among their services. In this module, you can display the properties you have in your portfolio, with all the necessary information so that residents of your communities can view them and request more information. |
17 February 2025
Sorting documents Documents in each folder or in the root folder can now be sorted. Sorting is by date, then alphabetically by name. The date of the document can now also be indicated and can be modified to allow this sorting as required. |
Moderation of comments on issues and in the forum It is now possible to moderate both incident comments and forum posts from the control panel. If incident comments are enabled, the administrator can define their visibility and report comments that do not comply with the policy.In the forum, the administrator can mark an entry, or a comment on that entry, as published or unpublished, making it appear or not appear in the forum. The administrator can also report the entry or a comment if it does not comply with the forum policy. In this case, the comment remains visible but without the content and showing a notice of its non-compliance. |
28 January 2025
New feature
Digital key management We have created a new option in the app's settings section, where all the digital keys that a neighbour has can be managed. All the keys are displayed in a list and for each one you can see specific information about what actions it allows and whether it is shared with third parties. |
New feature
Sharing digital keys It is now possible to share the digital keys that a neighbour has with third parties who do not have the app because they do not belong to the Community.To share a key, you must indicate the name of the person with whom you want to share it and whether you want to receive a notification every time the shared key is used. It is also possible to define a validity period for the shared key, so that, for example, the key can be shared to allow access to guests or companies that require access on a one-off basis. When creating a shared key, a link (URL) is generated that allows the person who receives it to perform the actions that the key enables, without having to use the app, using the browser of any mobile phone. The system also allows, once the link has been created, to copy it and/or share it with third parties using the applications installed on the mobile phone itself. |
14 January 2025
New setting in incidents We have added a new option in the incident settings, so that you can choose whether you want to show incidents with a status of cancelled in the app. By default, all incidents will be shown, but if you disable this option, incidents with this status will not be shown. |
New incident types added We have expanded the possible incident types with the types Inspection and Agreed at Meeting. It is now possible to select these new types for each incident. |
Rectangular logo in the app It is now possible to add a rectangular logo in the app, to take advantage of all the available space. |
17 December 2024
New feature
Selecting display mode We have created a new feature that affects the app's display mode. Specifically, we have defined two different themes, light and dark, that can be selected to view the app. Functionally, they are not different at all, but visually, they are two opposite modes.Light mode is the one used until now, where light tones predominate on normally light backgrounds. Now we have created dark mode, which allows the app to be viewed with dark tones on normally dark backgrounds. For people with visual problems, dark mode can provide a better display of the app. The selection of the display mode can be done in the Menu -> Settings -> Appearance option, and is defined for the user during the use of our app, regardless of the device with which they access it. |
05 December 2024
New feature
Defining the target properties of surveys We have added a new option when creating surveys so that the objective of the survey can be defined, that is, who can vote in each survey. Until now, surveys were directed to the entire Community, but now surveys can also be created that are only directed to a Set of properties or a Group of properties.This allows, for example, to do surveys by Block, or in communities to be able to do a survey only to one building in the same. Logically, the properties must first be grouped into Sets or Groups in order to then be able to send the surveys to each of them. |
New feature
Push notifications of new surveys When creating a new survey, you can choose whether you want a push notification to be sent to the neighbors to whom it is addressed. By default, they will be notified, although you can easily disable this before creating it. |
See the extended results of the surveys It is now possible to view the results of the survey in an extended manner, showing the general results of the survey, as well as the votes cast by each property. |
04 December 2024
New feature
Geolocation verification in access control We have added a new function in the definition of accesses. This function can be activated optionally and allows checking that the access request is made within a certain location radius around the access itself. In this way, it is verified that the neighbor, through the app, requests the opening of the same and that he is physically close to the access. To do this, the app will request prior permission to obtain the location of the mobile. If it is within the defined validation radius, the request will continue; while if it is not within said radius, the request will be denied.When activating this option, the geographic location of the installation must be added through its latitude and longitude, and the radius from that point in which the request will be valid must be indicated. This new functionality allows adding an additional layer of security in case it is required to act on the installed access control systems. In addition, in the case of access requests through QR codes or remotely, it can be verified that the device is in a location close to the installation. |
27 November 2024
New feature
User profiles We have made an important change to the control panel user system. Until now there were different profiles with predefined permissions that could be selected when creating a new user. Now we have developed a system through which you can create the profiles you want, each one with the access permissions you need and then you can associate the users with these profiles to obtain very fine control of the modules and sections of the panel that they can access.In the case of Onzane accounts for Property Management, this system allows you to define profiles that only have access to certain Communities or certain Delegations, which can be selected in multiple ways. In this way, profiles can be created that, for example, can access only a specific Community, and a section of it, obtaining a much deeper control capacity. Along with the filtering by communities, delegations, modules and sections, it is also possible to indicate whether for a profile you want to mask the personal data of the neighbors, so that they cannot be viewed by the users associated with said profile. This option is useful for cases where the property management is in charge of the operational management of the account, but the president or members of the Governing Board of the Community want to have access to the control panel, complying with the data protection law by which the Community is responsible for the personal data processed, while the property management acts as the person in charge of processing said data. |
19 November 2024
Option to choose whether or not to show the Rules button A new option has been added to the facility details to choose whether or not to display the Facility Rules button in the app to neighbors. Employees will always see it. |
Option to calculate the advance in hours A new option has been added to the facility details to choose whether to calculate the advance booking period in hours instead of counting the entire day. Thus, when indicating the days in advance booking, if this new option is selected, on the last day in which it is possible to book, the slots will appear unavailable if their start time exceeds the current time of day. This provides a real advance booking period based on the current time of day and the last day in advance booking period will become available as the day progresses. |
14 November 2024
New feature
New type of full-day service We have added a new service type that can be configured for reservation-based facilities. This is an optional service priced per full day. This makes it possible to define a service that will apply not to a time slot but to the entire full day of the facility's calendar. This makes it possible to define a cost for that service for the entire full day, regardless of how many time slots the neighbor may book on the same day.This new type provides a suitable logic to be able to charge a fixed fee for services such as room cleaning, regardless of whether the neighbor books more than one time slot on the same day. This way the price charged will be the same for all reservations made by the same neighbor. |
08 November 2024
New feature
Modifying reservations with services It is now possible to modify reservations once they have been made, in which optional services are defined. For this type of reservations with services, which we launched last week, it is now possible to create them and also modify them from the app. In the Home section, where My Reservations are displayed, you can modify those that have the possibility of defining services in them. We already mentioned that the possible services can be of different types and that they usually entail an additional payment for them.These reservations can be modified, adding or removing services up to the moment the reservation starts, or in the case that the facility has an access control device associated with it, right up to the moment when it is allowed to open, adding the courtesy minutes prior to its start. |
04 November 2024
New feature
Optional services for reservations of common areas It is now possible to define optional services that can be chosen when making a reservation. They are usually additional services to the use of the reserved area, and which usually imply an additional or complementary cost. These optional services can be of two types: by time slot, where the person who makes the reservation can choose it optionally, with a certain price for each slot; or fixed by selection, where there are different selectable options with a fixed price.For example, an optional service could be the lighting on a paddle tennis court, where the neighbour at the time of booking could choose whether to add said service to their reservation, with a specific price for each time slot. For selectable type services, an example could be the number of guests at a match, where according to said number an additional cost is defined in the reservation. In this way, it is possible to add different options that must be marked and/or selected when defining a reservation for the common areas, allowing the contracting of optional services to it. |
18 October 2024
Control panel
Unresolved incidents We have implemented a new general list of unresolved incidents. It can be accessed from the Dashboard in the control panel and will show all the incidents that do not have a resolved or cancelled status, from all the Communities in the account. It is very useful especially for property management accounts, as it allows them to see in a single list all the incidents that are pending resolution for all their Communities, at a glance and without having to go through each Community. |
New feature
New rule on reservations for common facilities A new limitation rule has been added for properties with reservations. It is now possible to add a reservation limit per time slot. This way, you can define for a time slot the maximum number of reservations allowed for a property during the days in advance of the reservation. |
New feature
Public documents in external repository Although we do not recommend it, it is possible to use an external document repository that can be accessed via a URL, instead of the document repository of our own application. For property administrations that already have this system established, for example with Microsoft SharePoint, they can continue using it. For this purpose, a new option has been added in Settings->Documents where this external URL can be indicated to open the Community's public document repository. |
24 September 2024
My Vehicles This feature has been redeveloped to allow residents to update the number plates of vehicles in spaces associated with the property. More than one vehicle can now be added to each parking space, and the maximum number of vehicles per space can be configured at the Community level. |
Changes in Settings The Settings section has been moved as a main option of the Community, and now for each module there will be a tab to define its settings. A Documents tab has been added where you can indicate an external URL to replace the Onzane document repository with an online repository, such as Google Drive or Microsoft Sharepoint. Another setting option has been added to indicate whether you want to send welcome emails to neighbors with a copy in English, useful when there are many neighbors of different nationalities in the Community. Finally, a setting option has been added in the Incidents tab to indicate an email address different from that of the users to notify them every time a new incident is created. |
Filter in the list of incidents in the app A status filter has been added to the Incidents section of the app. Residents and employees can now search for incidents in the list by their status. |
08 August 2024
Properties associated with other properties We have added an option to associate certain properties with other properties. Specifically, we can now associate Parking or Storage Room type properties with other Dwelling type properties. Normally this is done when both properties belong to the same owner, as is usually the case with parking lots and storage rooms, which are usually associated with a dwelling.In this way we can achieve two effects: a) that the properties with their associated properties are shown in the property list, quickly identifying which ones they are and b) that neighbours in the app can access the control of these associated properties without having to change between properties. That is, in the case of Associated Parking lots, the neighbour can manage them without changing ownership in the app, but using the Settings->My Vehicles option. |
Property groups A new option has been added to the properties that we have called Group. It is a free data that can be filled with information that allows grouping the properties by some concept. For example, in the parking type properties we could use this group to indicate the parking spaces that are for motorcycles or cars. In the case of homes, in a community we could group the homes that have 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms. This Group data can be used in different modules of the application to do certain things. Soon we will be able to use it to define the reservation limits of the common areas based on it. We could also use it in Communications to define it as the objective of their sending. |
New feature
API Token A feature has been created in the Security section of the My User option to request a token to connect to the Onzane API. Each panel user can request a specific token for themselves, which will allow them to securely connect to our API and interact with Onzane in various ways, such as synchronizing information with other applications or generating interactions with neighbors in an automated manner. |
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